• Author: Arctic Leaf Team
  • Jun 01 2023
  • Estimated 1 min read

Bloomreach Partnership Announcement | Arctic Leaf

Since the partnership began, our team has become well acquainted with the Bloomreach platform. It's the only marketing platform that combines customer data, omnichannel automation, AI, and analytics into a single platform. Marketers can seamlessly build, edit, and preview merchandised landing pages and search results pages from a single visual interface. Bloomreach prides itself on providing truly personalized communications across all your channels. 

Bloomreach is a key partner in the marketing automation space for our client base because of the streamlined strength of their platform.

"Not only do they throw amazing events, but I was enthralled by the warmness and authenticity of their team. And as we know, a technology solution is only as good as the partnerships driving it. Without exception, Bloomreach has demonstrated what a true partnership looks like by enabling our team with all the tools and resources to present their stellar product that will truly offer value to our clients

With Arctic Leaf and Bloomreach, you can dive into a fully automated and personalized customer journey that will wow your customers and create lifetime loyalty to your brand. 

If you are interested in working with Arctic Leaf to enhance your e-commerce website and content marketing strategy with Bloomreach, please contact one of our Solutions Consultants at [email protected] or (949) 377-1301.

  • E-Commerce
  • Shopify
  • Announcements
  • Partnerships